Friday, September 15, 2023

September 15 - Henry Brant (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 15th are here: Bobby Short (2019), Jessye Norman; Horatio Parker (2020), Frank Martin (2021), and Bobby Short (2022)


Henry Brant (15 September 1913 – 26 April 2008) was a Canadian-born American experimental composer and orchestrator.














Here, There, and Everywhere

The planned positioning of performers throughout the hall, as well as on stage, was an essential factor in his composing scheme and a point of departure for a radically expanded range and intensity of musical expression. -- Wikipedia

If you are one of those who can’t

Recall a work by Henry Brant,

Perhaps you’ll feel a bit less lonely

To realize you’re not the only

One who thinks it’s just as well

To say he doesn’t ring a bell.

But quite the self-promoter, he

Has earned himself a coterie

Of those who like their music spatial,

In rooms acoustically palatial,

Who find that they are held in thrall

By players spread throughout the hall.

And Henry Brant, uncompromising,

Challenging, and enterprising,

Provided  ample ambiance,

Eschewing namby-pambyance.



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1 comment:

  1. Brant’s On the Nature of Things is worthwhile and memorable. Also, northern Lights (Over he Twin Cities) was impressive and unforgettable.
