Monday, September 18, 2023

September 18 - Lord Berners (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 18th are here: Lord Berners; Francesca Caccini (2019), Arthur Benjamin (2020), Agnes De Mille; Johann Gottfried Walther (2021), and Ignaz Holzbauer (2022)



Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 14th Baron Berners (18 September 1883 – 19 April 1950), also known as Gerald Tyrwhitt, was a British composer, novelist, painter and aesthete.










Apologia Pro Vita Sua


Berners himself once said that he would have been a better composer if he had accepted fewer lunch invitations. -- Wikipedia


Said Berners, “I’m here to confess

That the cause of my meager success,

Is that when they say ‘Stay,

For our luncheon today,'

I pretty much always say yes.”



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