Tuesday, December 26, 2023

December 26 - Victor Hely-Hutchinson (The Muiscal Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 26th are here: Earle Brown (2019), Steve Allen (2020), George Winston (2021), and George Winston (2022)



Victor Hely-Hutchinson (26 December 1901 – 11 March 1947) was a British composer, conductor, pianist and music administrator. 





















A Place in the Cupboard

In Victor Hely-Hutchinson’s "Old Mother Hubbard set in the manner of Handel" (1932) the rhyme's opening stanza is treated in the style of an oratorio. – adapted from Wikipedia, s.v. “Old Mother Hubbard”

V. Hely-Hutchinson’s comedy kitsch,

Fills an irreverent repertoire niche.

His song a la Handel to verse from the nursery,

Has earned him some lines for his birth’s anniversary. 


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