Saturday, December 16, 2023

December 16 - Ludwig van Beethoven (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 16th are here: Ludwig van Beethoven (2019) and (2020), Noël Coward; François-Adrien Boieldieu; Alice Parker (2021), and Ludwig van Beethoven (2022)


Ludwig van Beethoven’s (16 December 1770 – 26 March 1827) birthday is generally celebrated on December 16, although there is no documentary proof of the date.  We know for certain he was baptized on the 17th.

















As he studied inscrutable stretches

Of scrawls in the Beethoven sketches,

Said a PhD scholar,

“I’m switching to Mahler,

Or I’ll be the most hapless of wretches!”


While living in indigent squalor,

A grad student Beethoven scholar

Remarked that the yield

Of her well-covered field

Was constantly smaller and smaller.



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