Sunday, December 10, 2023

December 10 - Olivier Messiaen (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 10th are here: Olivier Messiaen (2019), César Franck; Olivier Messiaen (2020), César Franck; Olivier Messiaen (2021), and Olivier Messiaen (2022)



Olivier Messiaen (10 December 1908 – 27 April 1992) was an organist and one of the greatest French composers of the 20th century.   















Higher Art

Though mystical Catholicism

      Was a prism

Shining through Messiaen’s theory,

His organ works proved over-garish,

     And doctrinairish

     For a parish,

And left the parishioners leery. 



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