Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 17 - Domenico Cimarosa (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 17th are here: Arthur Fiedler; Domenico Cimarosa (2019), (2020), Moriz Rosenthal (2021), and Arthur Fiedler (2022)



Domenico Cimarosa (17 December 1749 – 11 January 1801) was one of the preeminent Italian composers of his time.





















To Each Their Own

Many in the nineteenth century rated Cimarosa at least as highly as Mozart. - Alan Blyth, “Mozart & his Contemporaries,” --

Eugène Delacrois preferred Cimarosa's music to Mozart’s. – Wikipedia


Oh fill to the brim a mimosa

In honor of him, Cimarosa!

Whose operas for decade were staples

Of lyric performance in Naples.

In fact, among people who heard him

There were those who averred they preferred him

To Mozart, the Austrian, who

I’m sure seems much better to you.



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1 comment:

  1. Once again, CLEVER. You have taken the cake for 2023. I want to encourage you to KEEP GOING!
