Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29 - Jim Marshall (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for July 29th are here: Peter Schreier (2019), Sigmund Romberg (2020), Mikis Theodorakis (2021), and Sigmund Romberg (2022)



Jim Marshall (29 July 1923 – 5 April 2012) known as "The Father of Loud" or "The Lord of Loud," was an English businessman and pioneer of guitar amplification.















Marshall Plan

The "Marshall stack", a wall of black, vinyl-clad amp cabinets, one atop the other, was seen as the physical embodiment of rock's power, majesty and excess. Soon after he started production, musicians including Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Jimmy Page were using his equipment.– adapted from Wikipedia

Jim Marshall, called the “Lord of Loud,”

Developed products which he vowed

When heard by an arena crowd,

Would leave attendees deaf, (but wowed).

“Get rid of other bric-a-brac,

Don’t ever try a homemade hack,

Instead your roadies should unpack

The amps that make a Marshall stack!”



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