Friday, July 19, 2024

July 21 - Vinzenz Lachner (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for July 19th are here: Robert Mann (2019), Vikki Carr (2020), Richard Leveridge (2021), Marianna Auenbrugger (2022), and Garret Wesley, First Earl of Mornington (2023)



Vinzenz Lachner (19 July 1811 – 22 January 1893) was a German composer and conductor. 













Pick Your Battles

Instinctively conservative in his tastes, Lachner stood out publicly against the cult of Richard Wagner. Wagner campaigned for Vinzenz Lachner to be retired. (Vinzenz, to Wagner's rage, had conducted Wagner's opera The Flying Dutchman in a mutilated version.)  – Wikipedia

Vinzenz Lachner, Brahms’s friend,

   Whose outlook was regressive,

Made changes in the Dutchman score

   Which Wagner thought excessive.

Lachner fought with tooth and nail

   Against the Wagner cult,

So Richard Wagner ruined his career, —-

   A regrettable result.



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