Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July 19 - Garret Wesley, First Earl of Mornington (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for July 19th are here: Robert Mann (2019), Vikki Carr (2020), Richard Leveridge (2021), and Marianna Auenbrugger (2022)



Garret Wesley, First Earl of Mornington (19 July 1735 – 22 May 1781) was an Anglo-Irish politician and composer.





















Not THAT Glee

As a composer he is remembered chiefly for glees such as "Here in cool grot". -- Wikipedia

Though the First Earl of Mornington was famous for glees;

Alas, he’s forgotten now even for these.

If you think that his signature “Here in cool grot”

Is still on our radar, I assure you it’s not!


Country Life

The First Earl of Mornington

Hated the morning gun

  As it rang through the neighboring trees;

The sound of the salvo there

Disrupted his savoir faire 

  While composing his amateur glees.

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