Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30 - Gerald Moore (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for July 30th are here: Gerald Moore (2019), Nannerl Mozart (2020), Paul Anka (2021), John Duke (2022), and Gerald Moore (2023)



Gerald Moore (30 July 1899 – 13 March 1987) was one of the first accompanists to become famous in his own right.
















Take a Breather

Moore accompanied virtually every eminent solo singer and instrumentalist in recitals and raised the art of accompanying at the piano from servility to the highest prestige. – William Mann, in Grove Music Online, qtd. In Wikipedia

I’ve written in this blog before

About the pianist Gerald Moore, 

Who had no middling second stringers

Among his group of Lieder singers.

Gerald Moore was omnipresent,

Which sounds as if it would be pleasant

For anyone who makes their living

In a field so unforgiving.

It’s splendid when you’re in demand,

But ponder, on the other hand,

That having time to be inactive

Is also something most attractive.



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