Friday, February 21, 2025

February 21 - Charles-Marie Widor (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 21 are here: Charlotte Church (2020), Nina Simone; Charles-Marie Widor (2021), and (2022), Léo Delibes; Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda (2023). and Léo Delibes; Stefano Donaudy (2024)


Charles-Marie Widor (21 February 1844 – 12 March 1937) was a French organist, composer, and teacher.















Tempo Changes

Many organists play it at a very fast tempo whereas Widor preferred a more controlled articulation to be involved. -- Wikipedia, s.v. "Symphony for Organ No. 5"

The Widor Toccata is often played fast,

   And it makes a magnificent racket,

Of course, at that tempo, the thing is a blast,

   At least if the player can hack it.

But Widor himself played the piece rather slower,

   More measured, more grand, and more stately,

It helped keep his blood pressure markedly lower,

   But it never gets played that way lately.



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