Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 1 - This Blog (The Musical Birthday Series, 7th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 1st are here: Dimitri Mitropoulos (2019), Frédéric Chopin (2020), Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte (2021), Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte; Dinah Shore (2022), Frédéric Chopin; Glenn Miller (2023), and Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte (2024)



The Musical Birthday Series (b. 2019), with this post this blog begins its seventh year.  So far it has featured approximately 3100 verses on just under 1880 individuals.












The Birthday Series’s Birthday: Now We Are Six

This blog is where I get my kicks

By publishing a motley mix

Of pesky tics and verbal tricks,

And now, mon Dieu! it’s turning six!

Because I’m disinclined to boast

I’ll simply give a quiet toast,

Or shout a faint hurrah at most

With Google as my gracious host.


Apologia pro vita sua

A birthday is a solemn time,

   A time for taking stock,

And yet each day I take up rhyme

   To celebrate or mock.

I’ve been unfair to birthday folks,

   Obscure ones and immortals,

By making them the butt of jokes,

   And disrespectful chortles.



Three Thoughts in Defense of Blogging


The blog as a form is passé,

It has passed its brief halcyon day,

And so it appears

That I’ve wasted six years

In paltry poetical play.


I really don’t care if you say

That blogging has lost it’s caché,

I’ll smugly continue

My efforts to win you

In my fatuous foolhardy way.


If you asked, I’d admit it’s a slog

To write and to publish this blog,

But daily routines

Are a time-tested means

Of postponing one’s cognitive fog.




If you enjoy these posts, please help me, and consider sharing.  [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Takes: Great Art Repurposed.] 




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