Monday, March 15, 2021

March 15 - Nicola Vaccai; Harry James (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Nicola Vaccai (15 March 1790 – 5 or 6 August 1848) was an Italian opera composer and a singing teacher. 

[Previous posts for March 15th may be found here:  Colin McPhee (2019) and Eduard Strauss (2020)]










Old School; or, Ay Yai Yai

The singing method of Vaccai

Is something teachers seldom try,

And if you ask the reason why,

They’ll heave a resonating sigh

And hold the book up to your eye,

Before they give you this reply,

“Take a look, can you deny

It’s more than just a little dry?”


Harry James (15 March 1916 –5  July 1983) was an American musician who is best known as a trumpet-playing band leader.












Career Move

Among the several famous names

Forever tied to Harry James

Is Frank Sinatra, just aspiring,

Back when Harry James was hiring.

Frank, no doubt, was grateful, and

Took the job with James’s band

Later, though, without remorse, he

Left and sang with Tommy Dorsey.







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