Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 7 - Thomas Linley the Younger (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Thomas Linley the younger (7 May 1756 – 5 August 1778) was an extraordinarily precocious English composer and performer, and became known as the "English Mozart".

[Previous entries for March 5th  can be found here: Heitor Villa Lobos (2019), and Heitor Villa-Lobos (2020)]















An Admonition

Thomas Linley died at twenty-two,

Which didn’t give him many years to do,

The sort of things you read in Who Was Who.

This doesn’t denigrate, by any means,

The work that he accomplished in his teens.

“The English Mozart” is the sobriquet

By which he is remembered to this day.

A prodigy, admired and renowned,

He went to Grimsthorpe Castle,... where he drowned.


The moral, friends, is simple and pragmatic,

Avoid the lures of anything aquatic.

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