Monday, September 20, 2021

September 20 - Frank De Vol (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 20th are here: William Kapell (2019) and Ildebrando Pizzetti (2020)



Frank De Vol (20 September 1911 – 27 October 1999) was an American arranger and composer was nominated for four Academy Awards. De Vol is remembered for his television theme tunes, like Family Affair, My Three Sons, and The Brady Bunch. He did some work as an actor.
















 Wait?!  You Wrote THAT!

Composers and arrangers

In studio conditions

    Must face a fact of life with equanimity:

Though people are not strangers

To your work or compositions,

      You’ll soldier on in quiet anonymity.


De Vol, De Vol, It’s Off to Work We Go

Frank De Vol wrote catchy themes

Which everyone can sing, it seems.

So, it’s more than just a hunch

That you can sing “The Brady Bunch.”

Did he think that day before he

Wrote those notes for “Here’s the story,”

That they’d live in campy glory?



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