Wednesday, September 8, 2021

September 8 - Peter Maxwell Davies (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 8th are here: Willem Pijper (2019) and Antonín Dvořák (2020)


Peter Maxwell Davies (8 September 1934 – 14 March 2016) was a British composer and conductor.  


















Go North, Young Man


From 1971 he began to spend more time in Orkney, and the sense of rootedness in an ancient and stark landscape soon began to bear fruit in his music.  

Meanwhile Maxwell Davies had transformed himself from young rebel into a pillar of the community, both locally and in the wider world.  -- Two excerpts from his Guardian obituary

Peter Maxwell Davies was

  A shocker in his younger days,

Dreaming, as a young man does,

  Of setting all the world ablaze.

But moving to the Scottish North

  Where life was primitive and Spartan,

A very different style came forth

  From that which he had got his start in.   




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