Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 28 - Giovanni Punto (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for Septembr 28th are here: Johann Mattheson; Moon Unit Zappa (2019) and Johann Mattheson (2020)



Giovanni Punto (28 September 1746 – 16 February 1803) was a Czech horn player and composer. He pioneered the hand-stopping technique which allows natural horns to play a greater number of notes.


















Hype in Two Limericks


"Punto plays magnifique." -- Mozart writing about on Punto, qtd. in Wikipedia 

Since the horn is so naturally fraught

With chances for error, one ought

To avoid being frisky,

It’s foolish and risky,

And against every rule you were taught.

And yet Signor Punto had skills

That let him indulge in such frills.

The critics said, “Fearless!”

“Boffo and peerless!”

“This horn-playing act always kills!”



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