Sunday, December 5, 2021

December 5 - Francesco Scarlatti (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 3rd are here: Little Richard; Grace Moore (2019) and Osvaldo Golijov (2020)



Francesco Scarlatti (5 December 1666 – c. 1741) was an Italian composer and musician. 












Family Variations

Francesco was ever to live under the shadow of his better known relatives, Alessandro Scarlatti (his elder brother) and his nephew, Domenico. However, Francesco himself was an accomplished musician and held a number of appointments.-- Wikipedia



The musical family Scarlatti,

Who lived in the Age of Castrati,

Was famous, although

You’re unlikely to know

Of Francesco, whose bio is spotty.


Oh pity Francesco Scarlatti!

When his surname is mentioned, it’s not he.

It’s always another,

His nephew or brother,

And it drives the old gentleman dotty.



Francesco, whose name was Scarlatti,

Was aware that the fame of Scarlatti,

Was not really his,

But he stayed in the biz

For he was, all the same, a Scarlatti.



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