Monday, December 6, 2021

December 6 - Ira Gershwin; Orazio Vecchi (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 6th are here: Nikolaus Harnoncourt; Joseph Lamb (2019) and Dave Brubeck; Henryk Górecki (2020)



Ira Gershwin (6 December 1896 – 17 August 1983) was an American lyricist who collaborated with his younger brother, George Gershwin, and later wrote hit songs with composers Jerome Kern, Kurt Weill, Harry Warren, and Harold Arlen.
















Brother Act

George Gershwin didn’t need to hire a

Lyricist, since brother Ira

Was always there at any time

To fit his snappy tunes with rhyme.

There is, of course, a question whether

Families should work together,

But these two brothers thrived on scribbling

Classic show tunes with their sibling. 





Orazio Vecchi (bapt. 6 December 1550 – 19 February 1605) was an Italian composer best known for hi madrigal comedies.

















Real World

Orazio Vecchi gets a mention,

As a matter of convention,

    In Music History Intro 101,

But though it has a certain vigor,

The music of this minor figure

    Is forgotten when the intro class is done.




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