Monday, July 11, 2022

July 11 - Nicolai Gedda (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for July 11th are found here: Hermann Prey (2019), Liza Lehmann (2020), and Mattiwilda Dobbs; Liza Lehmann (2021)


Nicolai Gedda (11 July 1925 – 8 January 2017) was a great and versatile Swedish tenor.  Skilled at languages, he performed operas in French, Russian, German, Italian, English, Czech and Swedish,[3] as well as one in Latin.











Willkommen! And Bienvenue! Welcome!


Skilled at languages, he performed in French, Russian, German, Italian, English, Czech and Swedish, and Latin. -- adapted from Wikipedia

Nicolai Gedda was Swedish and Russian,

A fact that is mentioned in any discussion

Concerning his skill with linguistics and diction, --

No matter the language, he sang with conviction.

Whatever the language at hand, or on deck,

Whether English, or French, whether Russian or Czech, –

His skills were unfailing, and equally firm in

Italian, or Swedish, or Latin, or German.


Thank You, Mr. Edison

When you hear the incredible ease

Which Gedda displays on high Ds,

You’ll be glad that machines

Had developed the means

To capture such moments as these.


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1 comment:

  1. A wonderful tenor…I’ve listened to him for years….especially “Lenska’s aria”…and….you are such a talented embracer of the English language….always enjoy these weekly limericks.
