Wednesday, October 26, 2022

October 26 - Domenico Scarlatti (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 26th are here: Domenico Scarlatti; Henry Smart; Mahalia Jackson (2019), Hans Leo Hassler (2020), and Jacques Loussier; Domenico Scarlatti (2021)



Domenico Scarlatti (26 October 1685 – 23 July 1757) was an Italian composer, long resident in Spain, who is best known for his keyboard music. 














Formal Lessons

It’s true Scarlatti had his norm, –

Single movements in binary form –

But put this formal tic aside,

You’ll find their variety is wide.


Alphabet Soup

Kirkpatrick produced an edition of the sonatas and the numbering from this edition—the K. or K. number—is now nearly always used. Previously, the numbering commonly used was from the 1906 edition compiled by Alessandro Longo (L. numbers). In 1967 the Italian musicologist Giorgio Pestelli published a revised catalog (using P. numbers), which corrected what he considered to be some anachronisms, and added some sonatas missing from Kirkpatrick's edition. — Wikipedia

We once knew which was which with “L.”;

Kirkpatrick blew that all to hell.

And that is how it was that they

Became identified by “K.”

Pestelli took his shot, and he

Suggested they’d be known by “P”.


Behold the chaos that encumbers

Sonatas with no opus numbers!

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