Monday, October 31, 2022

October 31 - Philippe de Vitry (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 31st are here: Ethel Waters; Philippe de Vitry (2019), Phillippe de Vitry (2020), and Philippe de Vitry (2021)



Philippe de Vitry (31 October 1291 – 9 June 1361) was a composer, music theorist, 
and churchman.














Two Variations on an Unlikely Theme

The Roman de Fauvel is a 14th-century French allegorical verse romance of a satirical bent. Chaillou's manuscript (Paris, BN fr. 146) is a splendid work of art with illumination, as well as interpolations of 169 pieces of music. Some of these pieces are linked to Philippe de Vitry.  – adapted from Wikipedia, s.v. “Roman de Fauvel


Throughout the Roman de Fauvel

There’s music that’s scattered pell mell;

It’s the principal source

For de Vitry, perforce,

Which scholars find perfectly swell!


Here’s some info that might ring a bell,

Though you may not remember it well:

There is music embedded

In the tale that is threaded

Throughout the Roman de Fauvel.



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