Friday, May 12, 2023

May 12 - Jules Massanet (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 12th may be found here: Jules Massenet; Gabriel Fauré (2019), Burt Bacharach (2020), Johann Baptist Wanhal (2021), and Jules Massenet (2022)



Jules Massenet (12 May 1842 – 13 August 1912) was a French composer best known for his thirty plus operas, especially Manon and Werther.  





















Massanet: Pro

"Who knows Manon, Werther and Don Quichotte knows the best of Massenet, but not his range from heroic romance to steamy verismo." – Andrew Porter

I think today should be a day

To listen to some Massanet,

I checked my phone, and saw the date,

And though he may be second rate,

On this the day that gave him birth

I’ll check on YouTube and unearth

Some gems that might be found among

His shows that are no longer sung.



Massanet: Contra

Rodney Milnes, in The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992), agrees that Manon and Werther have a secure place in the international repertoire; he counts three others as "re-establishing a toehold" (Cendrillon, Thaïs and Don Quichotte), with many more due for re-evaluation or rediscovery. – Wikipedia

Of his works for the stage there are two

Which are likely familiar to you,

But if those we’ve neglected

Should be resurrected

Is a question I will not pursue.



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