Wednesday, August 16, 2023

August 16 - Max Spicker (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 16th are here: Madonna (2019), Heinrich Marschner (2020), Al Hibbler (2021), and Madonna; Eydie Gormé (2022)



Max Spicker (16 August 1858 – 15 October 1912) was a German American organist, conductor, and composer, best-known today for the many editions he undertook for G. Schirmer.














Anthology Man

Spicker eventually became an editor for G. Schirmer, editing such collections as the four-volume Anthology of Sacred Song and the five-volume Operatic Anthology. In their day, both publications became standard anthologies for young singers. – Wikipedia

Spicker, when he worked at Schirmer,

Made their reputation firmer

By editing their vocal collections

Of sacred and profane selections

From works for concert, stage, and church,

Where soloists in need could search

And be assured that they could find

Some solos of the proper kind

Of gracious taste and chaste refinement

To suit the most august assignment.



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