Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26 - Nico Muhly (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 26 are here: Leon Redbone (2019), Humphrey Searle (2020), Nico Muhly; Aloys Schmitt (2021), and Aloys Schmitt (2022)



Nico Muhly (b.1981) is an American composer whose influences range from American minimalism to the Anglican choral tradition. --adapted from

















“So, it has come to my attention that my smiling visage is the Spotify cover image for ‘Queer Composers’ – okay fine good yay but also I don't think I've ever identified as "queer" — ? Like, umbrella term or not, there is a real specific word for me which is An Gay Homosexual” – Nico Muhly

Nico Muhly makes it clear

He’d rather not be known as “queer”,

And much prefers it when we say

That Nico Muhly’s life is “gay”.

A case like his evinces why

You can’t be sure what terms apply

To someone we might classify

As LGBTQ or I,

(Not to mention all the fuss,


And in a nutshell that’s they nature

Of current gender nomenclature.


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