Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27 - Leon Theremin (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 27th are here: Lester Young (2019), Rebecca Clarke; Eric Coates (2020), Leon Theremin (2021), and Eric Coates (2022)



Leon Theremin (28 August [O.S. 15 August] 1896 – 3 November 1993) was a Russian and Soviet inventor, most famous for his invention of the theremin.










A Speculative Scenario

The kith and kin

Of Theremin

Objected from the first;

The eerie, thin,

Disturbing din

Brought out their very worst.

If they were in

When he’d begin,

They slammed their doors and cursed.

Was it a sin

To show chagrin

When he was so immersed?

With skin so thin

It might have been

A double win

To leave while he rehearsed.



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