Tuesday, March 12, 2024

March 12 - Alexandre Guilmant (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 12th may be found here: Thomas Augustine Arne (2019)Gordon MacRae (2020), Liza Minnelli (2021), Thomas Augustine Arne; Paul Weston (2023), and Thomas Augustine Arne (2023)



Alexandre Guilmant (12 March 1837 – 29 March 1911) was a French organist and composer. 

















Guilmant: Modern Research

Unless you play the organ, you

  Have probably never heard of him,

So read his Wiki bio through,

  To learn what is inferred of him.




Guilmant: Matters of Scale

His sonatas for the organ cause frustration

On instruments with meager registration;

But organists have found a lot to cherish

In smaller sets of pieces for the parish.



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