Sunday, March 24, 2024

March 24 - Byron Janis (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous post for March 24th may be found here: Maria Malibran (2019), (2020), Fanny Crosby (2021), Elsa Respighi; John Antes (2022), and Maria Malibran (2023)



Byron Janis (24 March 1928 –14  March 2024) was an American classical pianist.





















Gone But Not Forgotten: 1928-2024

I write for birthdays, so I’m wary

Of penning an obituary.

But just this once, my birthday column

Treats a subject grave and solemn.

For Byron Janis now has died.

(This fact was noted far and wide).

Byron Janis, at his age,

Had long since given up the stage,

And it is not, perhaps, unkind

That in your mental list you find

That other pianists come to mind,

But if you own his old LPs

You purchased in your youth where he’s

Heard in virtuoso splendor, –

Drop the needle, and surrender.




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