Saturday, March 9, 2024

March 9 - Samuel Barber (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 9 are found here:  Martin Shaw (2019), Samuel Barber (2020), Ornette Coleman; Samuel Barber (2021), Samuel Barber; Josef Mysliveček (2023)



Samuel Barber (9 March 1910 – 23 January 1981) was an important American composer in all the major classical genres. 















Lost Opportunity

Did Henson ask if “Hermit Songs”

Could be performed as Kermit songs?

Did Barber’s copyright attorney

Forbid their use for Bert and Ernie?

And how come they were never heard

As warbled by our friend Big Bird?

Did lawyers claim that songs like these

Are not the sort of thing to please

The little tykes that watch TVs?


Consider, when we do our part

To open up the ways of art,

It never is too soon to start.


To Be All Alone

There are no “mermaids singing, each to each”

In Matthew Arnold’s somber Dover Beach,

So Barber didn’t make it a duet

When, sitting at his music desk, he set

The verses for one singer and quartet.



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