Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1 - Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte (The Musical Birthday Series; 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 1st are here: Dimitri Mitropoulos (2019), Frédéric Chopin (2020), Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte (2021), Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte; Dinah Shore (2022). and Frédéric Chopin; Glenn Miller (2023)



Frédéric Chopin (1 March 1810 – 17 October 1849) remains one of the most popular of nineteenth century composers.





















Genre Pieces



“Chopin, in his poetic Nocturnes, sang not only the harmonies which are the source of our most ineffable delights, but likewise the restless, agitating bewilderment to which they often give rise”. – Liszt

When pianistic musical talk turns

To interpreting Chopin’s great nocturnes,

It’s noted that quiet

Can turn to a riot

In surprising and shifting ad hoc turns.



For pianists the stuff of the gods

Is found in the Chopin ballades;

The writing is deft,

But has musical heft

Beyond their flamboyant facades.



Of preludes he wrote twenty-four,

(There are that many keys and no more),

And I’m here to report

That they’re pleasant and short,

With splendors galore to explore!



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