Saturday, March 2, 2024

March 2 - Bedřich Smetana (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous entries for March 2nd can be found here: Kurt Weill (2021); Bedřich Smetana (2020); Kurt Weill and Marc Blitzstein (2019), Desi Arnaz (2022), and Kurt Weill; Bedřich Smetana (2023)


Bedřich Smetana (2 March 1824 – 12 May 1884) was an important Czech composer.

















Look Ma, Má Vlast: Two Limericks on “The Moldau”

Picture Perfect

What Smetana sought to deliver

In his ode to the national river,

Is a musical look

As it grows from a brook

To a torrent that sets Czechs aquiver.


A Pledge Week Promise

As you'll learn if you listen a bit

When we broadcast each classical hit, 

We won’t be forgettin’ a

A soupçon of Smetana,

And “The Moldau” is usually it.



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