Thursday, March 14, 2024

March 14 - Casey Jones (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous March 14th posts may be found here: Georg Philipp Telemann (2019)Shirley Scott; Johann Strauss Sr (2020), Quincy Jones (2021), Johann Gottlieb Goldberg; Luther Henderson (2022), and Robert Lucas Pearsall (2023)


"Casey" Jones (14 March 1863 – 30 April 1900) was an American railroader and the subject of the famous folk song.














The Ballad of the “Ballad of Casey Jones”

Reportedly, Saunders received a bottle of gin for the use of the song. Nothing more was heard from him after this, and he is now known only for preserving the legend of Casey Jones. -- Wikipedia, s.v. "The Ballad of Casey Jones"

Poet Carl Sandburg called the song "Casey Jones, the Brave Engineer" the "greatest ballad ever written". -- Wikipedia, s.v. "The Ballad of Casey Jones"

It’s less than clear who really owns

The ballad sung of Casey Jones.


The Muse’s focus sometimes wanders

And this is why one William Saunders,

Was paid with just a bottle of booze

And rarely gets his rightful dues,

Or any credit for his bit in

The "greatest ballad ever written".



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