Thursday, April 22, 2021

April 22 - Joshua Rifkin; Glen Campbell (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 22rd may be found here: Alfred Burt (2019) and Ethel Smyth


Joshua Rifkin (b. 22 April 1944) is an American musicologist, conductor, and keyboard player. 















Bach to the Future

"Musicologists don't often come to blows. But it happened at the 1981 meeting of the American Musicological Society, when Joshua Rifkin announced that Bach's 'chorus' was really a quartet."  -- Eric van Tassel, New York Times, April 26, 1998


Joshua Rifkin caused a stir,

By claiming Bach used one voice per.

This was so iconoclastic

That his colleagues, inelastic,

Made a stink and got the vapors

When he read his research papers.

Seldom are such ruffled feathers 

Seen at scholars’ get-togethers.






Glen Campbell (22 April 1936 – 8 August 2017) was an American guitarist, singer, songwriter, actor and television host.

















"[Campbell's songs] felt packaged for a middle-of-the-road, older crowd. At first, you go, ‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’ But it was such pure, good stuff that you had to put off your prejudices and learn to love it. It taught me not to have those prejudices.” Tom Petty, as qtd by Patrick Doyle, Rolling Stone, 1 September 2011


If you want a pleasant ramble,

Try the music of Glen Campbell.

There’s a humble pleasure found

In his gentle country sound.

Not exciting or too loud,

Packaged for the older crowd.

If it seems a bit parental,

Over gentle, sentimental,

Take a breath, be nonjudgmental,

Mellow music such as this is

Challenges your prejudices.



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