Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 27 - Johann Adam Reincken (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 27th may be found here: Friedrich von Flotow (2019) and Nicolas Slonimsky (2020)



Johann Adam Reincken (27 or 26 April 1623 [sic] or bapt. 20 December [O.S. 10 December] 1643 – 24 November 1722) was a Dutch/German organist and composer. He was organist at St. Katharine's church in Hamburg, and was a close friend of Dietrich Buxtehude. 

[His birth date is very uncertain. The traditional date is 27 April, but more recently a date in December and twenty years later has been favored. Neither is supported by solid evidence.]

Organ Lofty

Did Johann Adam Reincken

  And his buddy Buxtehude

Pass the time with local beer

  And good imported Gouda?

Or was it strictly business

  On that chilly Hamburg seaboard,

With talk of chorale fantasies

  And toccatas for the keyboard?

Those consequential colloquies

  Near old St. Katharine’s church

Should be a pressing topic for

  Post-doctoral research.







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