Monday, June 12, 2023

June 12 - Richard M. Sherman (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 12th are found here: Richard M. Sherman (2019), Jim Nabors (2020), Oliver Knussen (2021), and Vic Damone (2022)


Richard M. Sherman (b. 12 June 1928) is an American songwriter who specialized in musical films with his brother Robert B. Sherman. 

















O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Perhaps any chore

Is less of a bore,

   A less demanding grind,

If taken by two,

(A someone and you),

   With faculties combined.


While there have been others

Who labored as brothers, –

   The Gershwins come to mind,

Just what predetermines

Success like the Shermans'

    Has never been defined. –

Is dividing a task

An easier ask

    When done by two of a kind?

Does the job to be done

Gain elements of fun

    When the DNA's aligned?




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