Friday, June 30, 2023

June 30 - John Gay (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 30th are found here: Esa-Pekka Salonen (2019), Lena Horne (2020) Florence Ballard (2021), and John Gay (2022)



John Gay (30 June 1685 – 4 December 1732) was an important English poet and dramatist best remembered for the libretto of The Beggar's Opera.

















Und der Haifisch

The Beggar’s Opera took satiric aim at the passionate interest of the upper classes in Italian opera.  It also deals with social inequity on a broad scale, primarily through the comparison of low-class thieves and whores with their aristocratic and bourgeois "betters." – adapted from Wikipedia, s.v. “The Beggar's Opera”

Aristocratic London had

Made opera the latest fad

That entertained the noble folk

Of Britain in the High Baroque,

While those whose caste was rather lower,

A humbler breed of theater goer,

Thought the plays were lots more fun

Where ballad operas were done.

And that is why I write today

About the work of one John Gay,

Who satisfied the eager throngs

Satirically exposing wrongs,

In barbéd Beggar’s Opera songs.

The humor was a little crass,

And pilloried the ruling class.

The bourgeoisie showed up en masse,

And reveled in the racy folly

Of Peachum and MacHeath and Polly,

Who made aristocrats their target

In gamy underworld argot.



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