Friday, June 23, 2023

June 23 - Maude Valérie White (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 23rd are found here: Carl Reinecke (2019), Stuart Sutcliffe (2020), Helen Humes (2021), and Johann Baptist Schiedenmayer (2022)



Maude Valérie White (23 June 1855 –  2 November 1937) was a French-born English composer who became one of the most successful songwriters (in the English serious style) of the Victorian period.  -- Wikipedia, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (8th ed.)
















In 1903, respected critic J. A. Fuller Maitland declared Maude Valérie White’s songs to be ‘known and loved everywhere the English language is spoken’. --

Her setting of Shelley's  ‘My soul is an enchanted boat,’ published in 1882 has been described as ‘one of the best of our language’ -- Wikipedia

In the days when her latest

Was ranked with the greatest,

   It would have seemed absurd

That Maude Valérie White

Would someday be quite

   Forgotten and unheard.

But Fate can surprise!

A dramatic demise

   Is exactly what occurred.



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