Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15 - Ernestine Schumann-Heink; Charles Wood (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 15th are found here: Edvard Grieg (2019), David Rose (2020), Edvard Grieg; Janet Lennon (2021), and Robert Russell Bennett (2022)



Ernestine Schumann-Heink (15 June 1861 – 17 November 1936) was a Bohemian-born Austrian-American dramatic contralto.



















Don't Look Now


Music critic George Bernard Shaw was captivated by Schumann-Heink's fine contralto voice, and the power and passion of her delivery at the Bayreuth Festival of 1896, but was less taken by the summer gown and fashionable sleeves she was wearing under her black-blue Valkyrie armor as Waltraute in Gotterdammerung.  -- Richard W. Amero, "Madame Schumann-Heink: A Legend in Her Time"

When Ernestine Schumann-Heink acted

Her name on the placard attracted

A crowd which rejoiced

At the sound of her voice,

Though the way she was costumed distracted.








Charles Wood (15 June 1866 – 12 July 1926) was an Irish composer and teacher.



Special Audience

If you’re in a High Church choir,

Wood wrote stuff you might admire,

Just the sort of thing you’d crave

To echo down the Gothic nave.

No one else would wish we could

Revive the works of Charles Wood.








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