Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17 - Charles Gounod (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)


Previous posts for June 17th are found here: Charles Gounod (2019), Charles Gounod (2020) Igor Stravinsky (2020), Igor Stravinsky; Jerry Fielding (2021), and Sidney Jones; Igor Stravinsky (2022)



Charles Gounod (17 June 1818 – 17 or 18 October 1893) was once enormously popular as an opera composer.  Several of his works still hold the stage today.






















Faustian Bargain Basement

It also earned him the lasting wrath of the Germans, who were enraged by the way in which Gounod had altered what they saw as their national masterpiece. Even today Germans rarely call the work by its proper name. Instead, they give its title as Margarethe, to emphasize that Gounod’s opera in no way represents Goethe’s Faust. —, s.v. “Faust, opera by Gounod“

The Germans have grumbled and groused

Concerning the opera Faust,

Complaining the thing has the stench

Of the sickly parfum of the French.

After all, it’s their national play,

And who should know better than they

That the Faust of Herr Goethe is deep,

While the Faust of the Frenchman is cheap,

And though not forbidden to do it

They give a new moniker to it.



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