Thursday, January 11, 2024

January 11 - Laurens Hammond (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 11th are here: Christian Sinding; Maurice Duruflé (2020), Reinhold Glière (2021)Maurice Duruflé (2022), Christian Sinding; Reinhold Glière (2023)



Laurens Hammond (11 January 1895 – 1 July 1973) was an American engineer and inventor, whose inventions include the Hammond organ  and the world's first polyphonic musical synthesizer, the Novachord.












Keys to Success


Hammond left his position as president of his company in 1955, and retired from the company in 1960, at the age of sixty-five. -- Wikipedia 

It’s likely that you’ve not examined

The useful life of Laurens Hammond,

Inventor of the Hammond organ.

Though not as rich as J. P. Morgan

He reaped the fruits of his investment,

And earned the leisure his success meant.




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