Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15 - Heinrich Vogl (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 15th are here: Ivor Novello; Gene Krupa (2020), Salvatore Marchesi (2021), Charo (2022), and Jean-Baptiste Faure (2023)



Heinrich Vogl (15 January 1845 – 21 April 1900) was a German operatic Heldentenor.





















He was known for his vocal power and stamina, which allowed him to perform Loge, Siegmund and both Siegfrieds from Wagner's Ring cycle on consecutive evenings multiple times. – Wikipedia

Heinrich Vogl’s Heldentenor voice

Made him often Wagner’s man of choice;

He had a career in Wagner roles requiring

Stentorian sound, heroic and untiring;

And when he read that critics were impressed

With Siegmund, Siegfried, Tristan, and the rest

He prayed that he could hold his voice together

And never lose his lusty lungs of leather.



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