Tuesday, January 2, 2024

January 2 - Michael Tippett (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 2nd are here: Mily Balakirev; Michael Tippet; Gardner Read (2020)Eric Whitacre (2021), Roger Miller (2022), and Mily Balakirev (2023)



Michael Tippett (2 January 1905 – 8 January 1998) was an important British composer.



















Knot Gardening


I saw a stage picture ... of a wooded hilltop with a temple, where a warm and soft young man was being rebuffed by a cold and hard young woman ... to such a degree that the collective, magical archetypes take charge—Jung's anima and animus.  -- Michael Tippett on The Midsummer Marriage

Perhaps it’s pretentious and petty

To judge Michael Tippett’s libretti,

But he ties up his plots

In such Jungian knots

That it makes a big mess  — like spaghetti.



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