Saturday, January 20, 2024

January 20 - Ernest Chausson (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 20th are here: David Tudor (2020), Walter Piston (2021), Yvonne Loriod (2022), and Johann Hermann Schein (2023)



Ernest Chausson (20 January 1855 – 10 June 1899) was a significant French composer.





















Chausson is believed to be the first composer to use the celesta. He employed that instrument in December 1888 in his incidental music, written for a small orchestra, for La Tempête, a French translation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Wikipedia

Put down your phone, and take a pause

To give Chausson his due applause;

His lovely works are très exquise,

But did you know that one of these

Became the earliest to request a

New invention – the celesta.

To those of you who think that I

Have been too flip about this guy,

Forgive this verse, if it’s too trivial, —

This blog is meant to be convivial.




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