Thursday, January 18, 2024

January 18 - Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 18th are here: César Cui; Emmanuel Chabrier (2020), Emmanuel Chabrier, Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (2021), Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (2022), and Emmanuel Chabrier (2023)


Alfonso Ferrabosco (the Elder) (bapt.18 January 1543 – 12 August 1588) was an Italian composer who the one mainly responsible for the growth of the madrigal in England.














If the Shoe Fits...

Ferrabosco's style may have been tame and conservative by the standards of a Marenzio or a Luzzaschi, but it was harmonious with English taste. – Wikipedia

Ferrabosco’s vocal works,

  Conservative and skillful,

Didn’t have the vocal quirks

  Of madrigalists more willful.

Italian outgoingness

  Gave cautious Britons fits,

Alfonso’s quiet knowingness

  Beguiled the sullen Brits.



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