Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 28 - Ferdinand Hérold (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 28th are here: John Tavener (2020), Artur [Arthur] Rubinstein; Johann Ernst Bach (2021), Giovanni Battista Velluti; Ferdinand Hérold (2022), and Gottfried Vopelius (2023)



Ferdinand Hérold (28 January 1791 – 19 January 1833) was a French composer, best known for his many operas and ballets.






















Berlioz found things to praise in Zampa but thought Hérold lacked a style of his own, yet was neither Italian, nor French, nor German: "His music strongly resembles those industrial products made in Paris according to processes invented elsewhere and slightly modified; it is Parisian music", which, Berlioz thought, was why the Parisian middle classes loved it. – Wikipedia

Hérold, wrote Berlioz, was worthwhile,

But was a man without a style.

Hérold’s stuff, he said, resembled

Manufactured goods assembled

From scraps obtained from hither and yon,

With Paris logos added on.



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