Monday, January 8, 2024

January 8 - Lowell Mason (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 8th are here: Jaromir Weinberger, Hans von Bülow (2020), Giorgio Tozzi (2021), Sigismund Thalberg (2022), and Elvis Presley (2023)



Lowell Mason (8 January 1792 – 11 August 1872) was an American music director and banker who was a leading figure in 19th-century American church music





















“[Mason] spent his long career trying to "correct" the vital American folkhymn tradition and to replace it with something blander, and worse. He was rewarded for his largely successful efforts with fame, fortune, and a place in all standard music history books.” – Joel Cohen, qtd. In Wikipedia

Lowell Mason wanted hymns to be

More civilized and properly presented;

His efforts were successful, and so he

Has come to be upbraided and resented

For making singing civilized and proper

When much too much was thrown in the chopper.



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