Friday, January 5, 2024

January 5 - Pietro Filippo Scarlatti; Frederick Converse (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 5th are here: Wieland Wagner; Friedrich Blume (2020), Henry Lawes (2021), Alfred Brendel (2022), and Johann Georg Pisendel (2022)


Pietro Filippo Scarlatti (5 January 1679 – 22 February 1750) was an Italian composer, organist, and choirmaster. 





















The Pietro Filippo Scarlatti Story

He was the eldest of Alessandro Scarlatti’s children and a brother of composer Domenico Scarlatti. – adapted from Wikipedia

Not everyone in a well-known clan


Be equally blessed with success,

I guess.



Frederick Converse (5 January 1871 – 8 June 1940), was an American composer whose works include four operas and five symphonies. 

















In 1910, Converse's opera The Pipe of Desire became the first American work ever to be performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. – Wikipedia

Frederick Converse’s Pipe of Desire

Didn’t set the world on fire;

And yet it opened up a door

That always had been closed before.

And though his bubble had been burst,

And privately, no doubt, he cursed,

He had the pride of being first,

And THAT can never be reversed.

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