Wednesday, March 16, 2022

March 16 - Christa Ludwig (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 16th may be found here: David Del Tedici (2019), Henny Youngman (2020), and Teresa Berganza; William Henry Monk (2021)



Christa Ludwig (16 March 1928 – 24 April 2021) was a German mezzo-soprano and occasional dramatic soprano distinguished for her performances of opera, lieder, and oratorio.


















Having It All

Christa Ludwig had no single fach.

She sang Bellini, Wagner, Strauss, and Bach.

She sang von Einem, Verdi, and what’s more,

She found soprano roles she could explore.

But even this was not enough, dear reader, 

She also pleased the connoisseurs in lieder.

In all that she attempted she succeeded,

And few have left the legacy that she did.




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