Monday, March 21, 2022

March 21 - Modest Mussorgski (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous postings for March 21st may be found here: J. S. Bach [sic] (2019), Modest Mussorgsky (2020), and Modest Mussorgsky; Hermann Finck (2021)


Modest Mussorgsky (21 March [O.S. 9 March] 1839 – 28 March [O.S. 16 March] 1881) was a Russian composer.


A Note of Pronunciation: While I am aware that the correct stress is on the first syllable of his family name, this verse assumes the usual American accentuation on the second syllable.























With a Little Help From Your Friends


For many years, Mussorgsky's works were mainly known in versions revised or completed by other composers. – Wikipedia

"It is easy enough to correct Mussorgsky's irregularities. The only trouble is that when this is done, the character and originality of the music are done away with, and the composer's individuality vanishes." Anatoly Lyadov, qtd. in Wikipedia

Mussorgsky left a bunch of works unfinished.

His friends, when they completed them, diminished

     Their quirky personality.

In other cases, posthumous decisions

Resulted in unfortunate revisions

     Of his originality


It’s dicey when your legacy depends

Upon the taste of well-intentioned friends.



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