Saturday, March 5, 2022

March 5 - Barry Tuckwell; Philip Farkas; Arthur Foote (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous entries for March 5th  can be founded here: Heitor Villa Lobos (2019), Heitor Villa-Lobos (2020), andAndy Gibb (2021)




Philip Farkas (5 March 1914 – 12 December 1992) was the principal French horn player in major American orchestras, a noted teacher, and the author of standard texts on the horn and horn playing. 

Barry Tuckwell (5 March 1931 – 16 January 2020) was an Australian french horn player who spent most of his professional life in the UK and the United States. He became well known through his large number of recordings.


Fanfare for Two, an Ode

Sing O Muse, or sound your horn,

For on this day two greats were born!

Philip Farkas was the earlier,

And judging from the photos, burlier;

While Barry Tuckwell, who was later,

Was slenderer, and yet was greater.

Farkas! Tuckwell! Lift your bells!

The strain of “Happy Birthday” swells!

Sell out the hall! Bring down the house

With Mozart, Brahms, and Richard Strauss!







Arthur Foote (5 March 1853 – 8 April 1937) was an American composer, organist, pianist, pedagogue, and author of several music textbooks. He was part of the "Boston Six" The other five were George Whitefield Chadwick, Amy Beach, Edward MacDowell, John Knowles Paine, and Horatio Parker. 





















The American Way

No actual organization or conscious association of composers existed in the the Boston Six, though some male members of the group did gather socially, so its membership can only be approximated by musicologists who draw aesthetic and philosophical links between composers. -- adapted from Wikipedia, s.v. "Second New England School"

McDowell, Chadwick, John Knowles Paine,

Parker, Foote, and Amy Beach

Weren’t members of an group campaign,

They had no motto “each for each!”

They didn’t have a posh salon,

No gatherings at a meeting hall,

No passing of a gilt baton,

No “all for one, and one for all.”

When Europe saw us all as hicks

Who lived uncouthly in the sticks,

“It’s something that we ought to fix”

Said members of the Boston Six.

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